Calgary Legal Guidance (CLG) offers a Do Your Own Divorce clinic to individuals who are looking for information about the divorce process and who have already settled their child support, property and debts and now want to divorce .Parties have to have been separated for more than one year, to have lived in Alberta for one year, and have an agreement as to family property division and child custody/access. For information on up and coming Do Your Own Divorce Clinics you can contact CLG at 403-234–9266.
Divorce is the legal end to a marriage. Separation is the decision by spouses to live apart with the intention of ending the relationship.
Significant changes are coming to the Divorce Act on March 1, 2021. Check CPLEA's publications page for updated resources on family law.
CPLEA resources for divorce and separation:
All CPLEA family law publications:
Alberta Resources
This website provides age-appropriate information to help kids, teens and parents deal with a family break up. Select jurisdiction (Alberta) from the drop down menu. The website was produced by the Justice Education Society in collaboration with Centre for Public Legal Education, Alberta.
This online resource about Family law is provided by Legal Aid Alberta. It includes information about: marriage and 'common law relationships'; divorce; property rights, and guardianship of children; and explains some of the differences between a marriage and an Adult Interdependent Relationship.
The kits are a series of plain language resources which include forms and instructions to make applications and appeals for parenting, guardianship, custody and access, contact, enforcement of time with a child, child support, spousal support and other applications under the Family Law Act in Alberta. These booklets and kits are helpful to self represented litigants as they provide not only general information, but also step by step instructions and precedents.
Information on getting a divorce in Alberta. Provides general information on how to apply, what forms are required, and how to request a Certificate of Divorce.
These video resources have been produced by Alberta Justice - Resolution Services to assist Albertans going through the divorce process. - There are four vidoes which provide information on the following:
- A guide to divorce where there are dependent children, one spouse prepares the paperwork, and the other spouse is served with that paperwork. This video tells you about: what an uncontested divorce is.
- A guide to divorce without dependent children, one spouse prepares the paperwork, and the other spouse is served with that paperwork. This video tells you about: how to fill in the Statement of Claim for Divorce.
- A guide to divorce where there are dependent children, both spouses do the paperwork together, and come to the courthouse together.
- A guide to divorce where there are no dependent children, both spouses do the paperwork together, and come to the courthouse together.
On this webpage Service Alberta provides information on who is elgible, how to make a legal change of name, what are the costs involved, and what to do after you apply.
This information sheet discusses matrimonial property rights on First Nation reserves and answers the questions - What are the new laws and how might these laws affect me? If the First Nation does not have their own Matrimonial Property Laws (MRP), Provisional Federal Rules apply. You can check with your band office to see if they created these laws.If your First Nation does have MRP laws, you should consult your band office
This manual is the companion to the Parenting After Separation course. It provides separated/divorce parents with information about the effect of divorce on children’s development. It introduces topics such as relationship building blocks, helping children cope with separation and divorce, the legal system and parenting plans.
Parenting After Separation for Families in High Conflict is a three-hour course offered by Alberta Family Justice Services for parents and guardians who characterize their separation and divorce as high conflict. This course is an addition to the Parenting After Separation course that emphasizes the need for parents to work together to raise their children after separation. For some families, the level of conflict between the parents makes communication difficult or impossible. Other parents may experience periods of high conflict alternating with times when things go smoothly. High levels of conflict between parents will always negatively affect children.
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