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Criminal Justice Services

The following services may help if you are dealing with a criminal matter.

For resources about criminal court, see the section Preparing for Court, or the suggested resources listed under the topic Legal process.

For resources about criminal law, see the topics: Crimes and offencesCriminal law general resources, Criminal records and pardons, Corrections, Restorative justice, Youth criminal justice

CPLEA Suggested Resources

Not sure where to begin finding answers to your questions. Get started with our suggested resources. See additional resources below for more information.

Alberta Resources

The Alberta Fine Option Program enables offenders to work off fines rather than making cash payments or going to jail. It is available to offenders who are 18 years or older. In Edmonton the program is run by the City of Edmonton. A similar program is available through City of Calgary Social Services to young offenders under the age of 18 years. In order to be eligible for the Fine Option Program you must be able to work in Canada. All placements are made through the Alberta Justice Fine Option Program. If you require assistance call the Alberta Fine Option Program at 780-422-0730. See also for more information.

Related legal topic(s): Corrections

The Calgary John Howard Society's vision is to promote positive change through humane, just, and informed responses to crime and its effects. The organization provides programs for both adults and youth involved in the criminal justice system, or who are at risk for becoming involved in the criminal justice system. Provide support and assist individuals throughout the various stages of the record suspension application process.

Related legal topic(s): Corrections, Crime prevention, Criminal records and record suspensions, Reintegration, Restorative justice

In Alberta if you feel you weren’t treated fairly during the criminal justice process, you can send a complaint to any of the organizations involved. Visit this Alberta Justice page to find contact information for filing complaints with provincial and federal services.about a specific organization.

Related legal topic(s):

Chart describing criminal justice process for adults

Related legal topic(s): Criminal law general resources, Legal process

Chart describing criminal justice process for youth.
Related legal topic(s): Criminal law general resources, Youth criminal justice

This information is provided by the Alberta Justice and Solicitor General. Has general information on the Crown Prosecutor's office, a link to a publication on what you need to know if you have been charged with a crime, and answers to common questions such as "Do Crown prosecutors "plea bargain?" and more.
Related legal topic(s): Crimes and offences, Criminal law general resources

The Edmonton Drug Treatment and Community Restoration Court, or “EDTCRC” is intended to reduce drug-related crime through innovative approaches to dealing with offenders. The principles behind this program include recognized drug treatment court concepts, the concept of problem-solving courts, and restorative justice.

Related legal topic(s): Courts and court judgments, Drugs and alcohol, Restorative justice

Edmonton John Howard Society is a not-for-profit, community-based crime prevention agency. They provide assistance to people in conflict with the law, their families, those who have the potential to be in conflict with the law, and victims of crime. Their work to eradicate the root causes of crime helps build safety and harmony in communities. The Edmonton John Howard Society works to promote a better understanding of the Criminal Justice System and the consequences of breaking the law. Their work is accomplished through educational presentations provided to youth in the school system and the community. Caseworkers provide support and assist individuals throughout the various stages of the record suspension application process.

Related legal topic(s): Classroom materials, Corrections, Crime prevention, Criminal records and record suspensions, Reintegration

Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary offers pathways to healing for women, youth and Indigenous peoples who are affected by systemic social issues which contribute to their criminalization.    Services include: Soksipaitapiisin Case Management Table supporting healing plans of those whose charges are heard within Calgary's Indigenous Court; Restorative Justice and Integration case management supports; Dana's House Transitional Housing for criminalized and homeless Indigenous women; Youth Mentorship Program for at risk youth, Indigenous Cultural Supports; Volunteer Court Programs - serving Calgary, Lethbridge and some southern regional areas; and Legal Advocacy services including supporting record suspension applications and legal information.
Related legal topic(s): Aboriginal law, Advocacy, Courts and court judgments, Legal services

The mission of the Elizabeth Fry Society of Edmonton is to foster the dignity and worth of women who come into conflict with the law, and help them live as valued members of their communities. They are a not-for-profit organization that has existed in Edmonton since 1977. The society offers a variety of programs for women and girls including a legal clinic. The Legal Clinic Program assists federally sentenced women at Edmonton Institute for Women by addressing their legal needs. The society has court workers who provide information to both men and women on court procedure and plea options.  They also provide referrals to duty counsel and other community resources. The Elizabeth Fry Society helps women with the process of applying for a record suspension.

Related legal topic(s): Criminal records and record suspensions, Legal services, Reintegration, Restorative justice

This guide is designed with the intent of helping families and friends of men incarcerated in Alberta navigate our sometimes complex and intimidating Criminal Justice System. This booklet has been prepared by the Edmonton John Howard Society.
Related legal topic(s): Arrest, Corrections, Crime prevention, Criminal records and record suspensions, Legal process, Parole

This section of the website of Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security provides information on victim impact statements, financial benefits program, restitution for victims of crime and answers to common questions as well as links to related agencies. The Victims of Crime Act establishes: The authority to collect a surcharge on provincial statute offences; Defined principles regarding the treatment of victims; Financial benefits for victims; and a grants program with respect to programs that benefit victims of crime.

Related legal topic(s): Victim support and victim rights

The John Howard Society of Alberta is a non-profit agency concerned with the problem of crime and its prevention. The organization takes its name and spirit from the 18th century humanitarian John Howard, whose name has become a symbol of humane consideration for prisoners. It was incorporated in 1949, and today the organization consists of six separately incorporated districts along with the Provincial Office. The website provides information about the services available in each of these districts.

Related legal topic(s): Classroom materials, Corrections, Crime prevention, Criminal records and record suspensions, Reintegration

Native Counselling works to ensure that Native people receive fair and equitable treatment in the justice system. NCSA delivers its programs and services province wide.. Its programs and services are designed and delivered for Aboriginal people, by Aboriginal people.

Related legal topic(s): Legal services, Restorative justice


The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) is the federal government agency responsible for administering sentences of a term of two years or more, as imposed by the courts. CSC is responsible for managing institutions of various security levels and supervising offenders under conditional release in the community. CSC is also committed to ensuring that victims of crime have an effective voice in the federal corrections and criminal justice system.

Related legal topic(s): Corrections, Restorative justice, Victim support and victim rights

The  role of this government department is to promote a greater understanding of DPR and, in collaboration with departmental legal services, to assist in the integration of DPR into the policies, operations and practices of departments and agencies of the Government of Canada.

Related legal topic(s): Mediation and alternative dispute resolution

Correctional Service Canada (CSC) has introduced a new concept in federal corrections for Aboriginal offenders. "Healing lodges" offer services and programs that reflect Aboriginal culture in a space that incorporates Aboriginal peoples' tradition and beliefs. In the healing lodge, the needs of Aboriginal offenders serving federal sentences are addressed through Aboriginal teachings and ceremonies, contact with Elders and children, and interaction with nature.

Related legal topic(s): Aboriginal law, Corrections

The John Howard Society is a network of offices across Canada and the Northwest Territories committed to "effective, just and humane responses to the causes and consequences of crime." They work with people who have come into conflict with the law, advocate for changes in the criminal justice process, engage in public education on matters relating to criminal law and promote crime prevention through community and social development activities. The website provides access to information about the services in each province.

Related legal topic(s): Corrections, Crime prevention, Criminal records and record suspensions, Reintegration, Restorative justice

The Parole Board of Canada (PBC), as part of the criminal justice system, makes independent, quality conditional release and record suspension decisions and clemency recommendations. The Board contributes to the protection of society by facilitating as appropriate, the timely reintegration of offenders as law-abiding citizens.

Related legal topic(s): Parole

The Policy Centre for Victim Issues, a division of the Department of Justice Canada, implements the Federal Victim Strategy the objective of which is to give victims of crime a more effective voice in the criminal justice system. We develop policy and criminal law reform, administer the Victims Fund, and broadly share information about issues of importance to victims of crime. Publications include a crime victims’ guide to the criminal justice system and Victim Services Directory.

Related legal topic(s): Victim support and victim rights