After 35 years as a print publication, LawNow has transformed into an online publication. LawNow provides credible legal information, interpretation and comment to help Canadians make critical decisions in their lives, and make meaningful and effective contributions to the democratic life of community and country.
The Great Library serves the legal information needs of Law Society members and other legal researchers by facilitating access to an extensive collection of print and electronic resources, and by providing legal research assistance and instruction.
The Philanthropist is a quarterly journal for practitioners, scholars, supporters and others engaged the nonprofit sector in Canada. It publishes articles and useful information about the sector's important contributions to our communities, our country, and our world. Topics include issues of law and policy related to charities.
The Cornell International Law Journal (ILJ) was founded in 1967. Three times a year, the Journal publishes scholarship that reflects the sweeping changes that are taking place in public and private international law. Each issue features articles by legal scholars, practitioners, and participants in international politics, as well as student-written notes. Articles are freely available as PDFs online.
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